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Automate Clinical Trial Feasibility Assessments

For Your Cancer Center

Avoid the daunting task of assessing vast patient data to predict trial performance – and improve trial recruitment in the process.

Trial Navigator’s feasibility module leverages NLP to quickly identify the most promising trials for your patients, eliminating hours of tedious data analysis and ensuring you don’t miss opportunities to run successful trials.

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Make Trial Recruitment Simple, Precise and Successful

Eliminate Manual Effort

Avoid sifting through endless data during patient population assessments. Providers receive an auto-generated “Match Score” they can use to select suitable patients for trials.

Reduce Costs

Make predicting accrual and recruitment easy and ensure more trials are filled and completed – to protect your reputation and bottom line.

Elevate Patient Experience

The HIPAA-compliant tool protects PHI during the trial pre-approval process while ensuring you increase trial diversity – to produce better outcomes and increase loyalty.

How It Works

  1. Analyze patient data in seconds
    The Feasibility Module sifts through 100s of patients’ medical records to auto-identify individuals that meet your inclusion criteria
  2. Assess trial feasibility
    The tool then reports the number of eligible patients based on geographical location, sex, gender, and ethnicity.
  3. Adjust criteria dynamically
    Users can adjust their inclusion/exclusion criteria dynamically using “What If” scenarios to see how these changes would alter the number of eligible patients.

Meet Trial Accrual Targets with Confidence

Stop spending hours sifting through patient data to make rough trial feasibility estimates. Use Trial Navigator to generate immediate, precise assessments that lead to better outcomes for patients and your facility.